Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The Sleepover

Belinda and John had to go out of town for a very important appointment.  They would be going to a hospital so there was no way that I could come this time.  I was really worried about where I was going to go but I knew that Belinda would have someone take excellent care of me while she was away.  Those lazy cats never needed babysitting since all they did was sleep the days away and the rabbit would just stay out in the back yard.  Me, however, that was a different story!  I needed plenty of food and snacks and walks and love!  I’m not used to not being looked after and I know that I would just parish if I were left alone all day.  Belinda knew that, too. 


When John was tucking me in last night, he told me that I shouldn’t worry because I’d be having a sleepover with Monica and Chevy.  When he told me that, I was beyond ecstatic and couldn’t even get to sleep!  What would it be like to sleep in Monica’s cute little house?  Was Chevy excited that I’d be coming over to see her again?  Would I have my own bed there?  I had so many questions that I found myself lying awake and moaning all night long.  Belinda kept telling me to quiet down and to go to sleep.  I heard her telling John that she thought I must be nervous and that I knew something was going on.  Sometimes I wonder if they really know how smart I am!

Belinda woke me up early the next morning and had a little suitcase packed with some of my favorite

Chihuahua clothes that we had bought from our favorite UK boutique.  She said that Monica was really anxious to see them and to spend time with Chevy and me.  I immediately felt at ease and was really eager to get going.  I stretched out one leg at a time and then flopped onto my back for a good morning wiggle.  I was moaning and groaning as I wormed my way across the shaggy carpet and over to Johns feet.  He scooped me up and put on my special Chihuahua collar that Chevy had gotten for me.  Once we were all packed, we piled into the car and started off for Monica’s house.

John beeped the horn when we pulled into the pretty driveway.  Sun beamed through the picket fence and was gleaming as I tried my best to see up into Monica’s smiling face.  She snatched me away from Belinda and gave me a big kiss on the forehead, I think I could smell pancakes on her breath and was getting more excited by the second!  After some instructions and a goodbye hug, Belinda and John drove off and Monica and I went into the house.

There to greet me were Chevy and a giant stack of pancakes.  Chevy had syrup on her front paw and her hair was tied up with that purple ribbon so tightly that her big eyes were squinty; she looked really silly.  We all ate some pancakes and then got washed up and ready for a fun day of sunbathing and swimming.  While Monica was washing the dishes, Chevy and I ran outside to play in the grass.  She took me over to her little cottage and we played inside for a bit.  As far as dog houses go, this one was stunning!  Inside the little country cottage were two little flowerpots, one for food and one for water, and a comfy little green bed with a velvet blanket.  She said that she doesn’t usually stay outside much, but when Monica does gardening or lies in the sun, she calls it home.  I think Chevy is very lucky to have such beautiful things and I know that I would play in there all the time if I had one in my yard!

All day long we romped and played.  Chevy was still very young so she played hard but got tired quickly.  We would go inside out of the hot summer sun and take naps by the fan.  When we’d wake, we would go outside again to chase the bunnies and robins that lived amongst the grape vines in Monica’s back yard.  After a delicious meal, we tried on some of my best Chihuahua clothes and laughed at Chevy, who is much smaller than me, as she tried on my big, wooly parka and rubber rain boots.

When the big, scary moon shone through the picture window, Monica tucked us into bed and turned out the lights.  Normally, I probably would have been scared to see that spooky moonlight shining in on me and not having Belinda and John to snuggle up to.  I was so tired though, from my busy day with my new friends that I didn’t even notice.  We all fell fast asleep and I awoke to the sound of the doorbell and Belinda’s sunny smile!

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